13.5" x 16.5"
Spray-paint, Sharpie on plexi-glas
Maybe this isn't my first collection per se but it certainly feels like a milestone. It's the first time I've had the opportunity to reveal so much of my work at once. With these pieces as well as the Slims [1] [2], Bitch in the Sky, and the Avianettes [1] [2] [3] [4] I was able to give a wide view of my world. A world where women are crazed and cunning. They make no apologies for their passions and never turn a deaf ear to the voice of their curiosity. Role models, basically.Spray-paint, Sharpie on plexi-glas

13.5" x 16.5"
Spray-paint, Sharpie on plexi-glas
A side note to this one: Rarely but sometimes it's hard to find the right reference material. In this stellar age of knowledge at your fingertips sometimes you still need to know what something is called before you can look it up properly. I couldn't for the life of me find a picture of whatever these tea vessels are called BUT, I DID remember that you briefly see one near the beginning of The Exorcist when Max Von Sydow is digging around in Iraq. I pull out my copy, which I hadn't watched in ages, and lo and behold, about 4 minutes in, Max at some sand-blown cafe and we see, for barely a second, a fellow pouring tea from a contraption like this girl is using. It felt invigorating to be searching for something and actually track it down without the net. Not this time, Google, I got this. Pause Button!

Now that the show is complete I'm taking time to get reacquainted with my old love, animation. More Cyclops and Owl moving pictures! One primary goal, THIS hushed project which is overdue twice over.