WOah! 3 weeks since the last post. SHAME! Well's it's not so bad. Unlike past post droughts this one wasn't for lack of postables. And let this stand as an example of what I'm doing when I don't return phone calls on time, or at all, or send ghostly emails 3 weeks later. I'm usually drawing. Or thinking about what I'm going to draw. But mostly drawing. The last few days have brought about the next three posts.
"She's a Keeper." It's what I think about this girl. It's what this girl is thinking about each of her little sproutish finds. Careful concentration is required to pull the blossom out of the stalks with bulb intact. A blossom without a bulb is, well, just not the same.
8" x 3.5"
Spray paint and sharpie marker on acrylic sheet
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