Did I say daily posts? Such is life. Quit living in the past.
Now. Here is the first of a series. The Cyclops and Owl Gentlemen's Club. Inductees drawn in sultry red with my parallel pen.
The first is a posthumously inducted juggernaut of the written word, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. I fell in love with Vonnegut rather late in life. In highschool my only exposure to his genius was the short story "Harrison Bergeron" which I loved but was merely a inkling of the love affair that was to come over a decade later. I wish I had his novels to escape into back then. Instead I've gorged myself on his novels over the past 3 years and I'm still insatiable. There's just no one quite like him. So it goes.
All of the inductees will be made available through my etsy store eventually so stay tuned!